Next JS vs React: Which Framework to Choose for Optimal Frontend in 2024

Next JS vs React: Which Framework to Choose for Optimal Frontend in 2024

By Ridham ModiMar 11,2024

Next JS vs React: Which Framework to Choose for Optimal Frontend in 2024

Next.js, a favored framework in the React realm, offers a swift start for projects. As a React enthusiast, I recently employed Next.js and found it delightful. It’s time to delve deeper into the disparities between 2 web solutions next js vs react. Next.js simplifies development and boasts a gentle learning curve, making it accessible even to novices, thus rendering the project development experience distinct from React.

Next.js is a React framework, while React is just a JavaScript library. This blog will compare them to help you choose the best platform for your JavaScript project.


What is Next JS?

The JavaScript framework Next.js lets you create React-based web applications and lightning-fast, incredibly user-friendly static websites. In fact, with the help of Automatic Static Optimization, “static” and “dynamic” have merged into one, enabling Next.js to create hybrid applications that combine both server-side rendered and statically generated pages. This offers us several benefits, including:

  •  Excellent performance (also easier and quicker)
  • Rich user experience (faster and easier)
  •  Quick feature development

Globally, some of the biggest and most well-known companies—like NetflixUberStarbucks, or Twitch—use Next.js extensively. Being ideal for working with static sites—the trendiest issue in the web development community lately—it is also regarded as one of the React frameworks with the quickest growth. Frontend development companies today are growing rapidly.


What is Next.js Used For?

You may create a variety of digital goods and user interfaces using Next.js, including:

  • Web Platform; JavaScript websites
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP software development)
  • Static websites 
  • Single web pages
  • SaaS solutions
  • e-commerce and retail websites; 
  • Dashboards are Robust and intricate web app user interfaces that are interactive.

And since it offers many options, we like using it for various tasks.


Advantages of Next JS

advantages and disadvantages of next js

Do you want to know how utilizing and installing Next JS might support you in realizing your vision and creating new business opportunities?


Enhanced User Experience

Create the front end of your project using Next.js using your design concepts and business objectives. A distinctive user interface and visual appeal are no longer obstacles.


Quicker Time to Market

With the help of ready-made components and Next.js best practices, you can quickly develop a software prototype or MVP software development. This enables you to save time and money by getting customer input as soon as possible and appropriately adjusting.


24/7 Assistance

If you want any assistance for your product, you can quickly locate a Next JS developer. Furthermore, since the framework is React-based, you may avoid starting everything from scratch.


High Rate of Conversion

Increased conversion results from improved usability, speedy loading times, and accessibility. Customers are more likely to purchase and visit your website frequently if they have a fantastic customer trip.


Increasing Natural Links

Google favors static web solutions because they are quick, light, and simple to navigate. This can raise the ranking of your Next Js website in search results.


Disadvantages of Next JS



Implementing SSR or SSG using Next.js might be more complicated, especially for apps that do not always require server-side rendering.

Learning Curve

Next.js is relatively easy to learn at first. However, it may take more time to fully master its advanced features, such as SSR and SSG.

Limited Customization Options

Developers who want more exact control over the rendering process may find using Next.js’s built-in capabilities challenging.


What is React?

React is a framework that uses Webpack to handle CSS file prefixes and automatically build React, JSX, and ES6 code. React is a UI development library built with a javascript backend framework. React is a popular web development library despite not being a language. Since its debut in May 2013, the library has become one of the most widely used front-end libraries for web development.

Beyond only user interfaces, React provides other extensions for complete application architectural support, including Flux and React Native. A ReactJS development company can help you get your amazing website built on React.


What is React Used For?

React is a tool for building complex user interfaces. It enables developers to write less code for UI implementation and construct reusable components using HTML-like syntax within javascript backend framework code.

ReactJS development companies frequently utilize React because of its following 


Advantages of React JS:

advantages and disadvantages of react


Code Reusability

It makes constructing and altering UI elements simple to provide new functionality.


Code Stability

Because React components are segregated from one another, developers may modify the code without impacting the entire program.


Virtual DOM (Document Object Model)

It is a thin replica of the original DOM that makes web pages render and load more quickly.


Streamlined Debugging

React JS leverages unidirectional data flow with Flux and Redux technologies to provide error tracking and fast error correction.


Rich Set of Extensions

Many prebuilt tools are available in React to improve web application essentials, including design and animations.


Disadvantages of React


Not SEO-friendly

React SPAs take a while to load, so they are not ideal for SEO.


Complexity of JavaScript XML (JSX)

Although JSX is meant to expand React’s capabilities, it may intimidate less experienced developers.


Performance concerns

React apps typically take longer to become interactive than comparable web apps developed with alternative frameworks, such as Next.Js. 


Difference Between next js vs react

difference between next js vs react

To assist you in selecting the best tool for your needs, we will compare two of the most popular frontend development tools available in the JavaScript ecosystem and used by the best frontend development company in this section.

Let’s delve right in:



Afterward, static web pages, such as those created using a javascript backend framework, load quickly since they are pre-rendered during creation, cached, and distributed over a content delivery network. Additionally, it enables server-side rendering, which is an additional quick rendering technique.

React may be set up to utilize alternative rendering techniques, but by default, it employs client-side rendering, which is quite sluggish. The effort required to get it to function is the only difference.



One excellent resource is the Next.js website’s learn-by-doing documentation. Short, easy-to-follow instructions are included in the documentation to help you get started quickly. Furthermore, the learn-by-doing method guarantees that you gain real-world experience using the technology and theoretical knowledge. After you finish the documentation, you’ll be ready to develop Next.js apps.

The documentation for React is thorough and straightforward to read. It covers every fundamental topic related to React programming through tutorials, articles, and videos. Furthermore, the React community is thriving, and many tools are at developers’ disposal to assist in problem-solving. React is, therefore, an excellent option for developers who wish to design cutting-edge user interfaces.


Next JS vs React: Developer Community

Selecting any framework or library will only be advantageous if the development community behind it can address any problems and provide pertinent fixes. This also applies to Next JS and React. You have to realize that Next JS was released much later than React. As a result, it has a sizable and vibrant developer community dedicated to fixing bugs and vulnerabilities that arise during the app development process. Stack Overflow also has React documentation and seasoned experts.  

Next.js community has robust developer support. However, it is still changing to satisfy customer demands. There are more GitHub conversations and less traditional activities. Both platforms’ development communities constantly expand to provide a satisfying developer experience. They are sufficiently functional to meet a wide range of corporate needs.  


Next JS vs React: TypeScript

Next, JS supports TypeScript. Furthermore supported are customizations created with the touch tsconfig.json file. Conversely, React is compatible with TypeScript and includes a template for Cross-Platform Approval (CRA) applications named npx create-reach-app my-app.

We can confidently declare that React wins this contest between seasoned developers known as React and Next.JS since it is far more widely used than Next. JS. It’s also easy to find React developers to work on your project.


Next JS vs React: Server-side Rendering

Speaking about another aspect, Next.js facilitates server-side rendering (SSR). In reality, it gathers information and processes each request whenever you need to provide a distinct picture to several users.

Although it may be enabled, React does not support server-side rendering by default. A little more work is required to combine SSR with your desired server and configuration. In addition, it’s possible that the developers won’t support this in future iterations.


Next JS vs React: Maintenance

There’s little to pick between Next Js and React because React and Next are pretty similar and regularly updated and well-maintained.


Next JS vs React: Configuration Ease

In terms of configuration, Next.js and React provide different methods. Since React is a library, developers must configure it with tools like Create React App (CRA), which offers valuable defaults for a streamlined project setup process. However, fine-tuning setups could need ejecting from CRA to allow for more sophisticated customization. 

On the other hand, Next.js, a framework constructed upon React, offers a more subjective setting with pre-configured features like code splitting and server-side rendering. 

Although Next.js defaults simplify development by meeting typical needs immediately, customization is still available via a custom configuration file. 

The decision between Next.js and React frequently comes down to the project’s particular requirements and configuration and flexibility choices.


Next JS vs React: SEO and Rendering

The client-side rendering method used by React.js reduces the effectiveness of SEO for your React web applications. While CSR streamlines interaction and efficiency, search engines like Google face difficulties when it comes to indexing dynamic material. Even though server-side rendering in React can fix the problem, doing so necessitates an add-on setup and following a few React SEO Best Practices for web apps.

Next.js makes it possible to create lightweight, quick static websites, which improves their search engine ranking because they are optimized for search engines. It allows developers to select between CSR or SSR according to their requirements. Furthermore, it enables the creation of static sites, or SSGs, for pre-rendering pages at build time. This combines the advantages of CSR with SEO-friendly static pages, making Next.js a superior option.


Is Next JS Better Than React?

Compared to React, Next.js has easy-to-code features. Next.js takes less code than the React framework, which calls for a lengthy line of code. React could be the best option if you want to create an extensive, intricate web application with intricate routing and many data-driven components. If you want to create a JAMstack application or static web Solutions, Next.js can be a decent option. Creating applications with sophisticated UI/UX will increase your conversion rate.



After reading this next js vs react comparison, you have undoubtedly realized that each platform has pros and cons. Keep in mind that your decision will have an immediate effect on your growth process and the results that follow. Should you remain uncertain about which option will streamline your app development process, you can work with a committed ReactJS development company, which can assist you in making the best choice with both the javascript backend framework and frontend framework. You may also choose Glasier inc to Hire Reactjs developers, which can assist you in overcoming project-specific technological obstacles and talent gaps.

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