Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development- A Detailed Guide

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development- A Detailed Guide

By Ridham ModiJun 12,2023

Step-by-Step Guide to MVP Development

MVP development is a strategy used to develop a basic version of any product or service with basic features to get an idea of the product or service and gathers valuable feedback.

 MVP (Minimum Viable Product) contains the essential feature set to launch your software in the market. The MVP version enables business owners to test their products before releasing the final version. The blog explains the necessary stages and why MVPs are crucial when creating new software or apps.

What is MVP?

In software development, learning about the needs of your target audience requires testing, which is where the MVP comes in. 

The minimal viable product (MVP) is the first version of your product. It provides just enough features to solve the big three questions:

  • Do people want what you’re selling?
  • Does it fix the issue?
  • Will people pay for it?

The minimum viable product (MVP) is the greatest way to gauge consumer interest in a prospective solution. When testing theories about a firm’s operation, the minimum viable product is considered an experiment. Assumptions may be tested, letting company owners know whether their plans can succeed. Instead of implementing a business strategy in a vacuum, it is in the best interest of new enterprises and startups to identify areas where they may succeed.

What is the purpose of MVP?

Like you can’t construct a home without laying the groundwork, you can’t make a great product without first making a minimum viable product. An MVP is all about starting with a minimal viable use case, testing it, and then deciding whether to continue developing the concept into a commercial solution.

What are the Reasons to Develop an MVP?


What are the Reasons to Develop an MVP

You would only believe how many startups fail after even one customer has used the product. This is a relatively typical occurrence. Therefore, it is crucial to complete the MVP development process successfully. What additional advantages do you enjoy?

  • Attention from the investors 

An MVP is a demo of your idea. Instead of spending hours explaining your idea orally, you may demonstrate it. In addition, your chances of securing the capital will improve if you can convince others to utilize the product and see its worth. 

  • Create Something That Is Used

It’s common for entrepreneurs to set in stone a mental picture of what the final product will look like. The idea is that if you want to create a product for real people, this representation has to be extremely adaptable. With an MVP and useful user input, you can focus on building out the most important aspects of the product while leaving the rest out. 

MVP Development Reasons

  • A better understanding of the subject-area 

When you create a minimum viable product, you research the issue, the field, and the market at large. The expected results are a better understanding of the subject matter and identifying unfilled niches. You will miss it if you go straight toward creating a fully-fledged product. 

  • Prompt, Low-Cost Confirmation of Ideas

The goal of minimal viable product development is to quickly test the viability of a concept using as few resources as possible. You focus your energy and resources on the core features of the product. It’s the cheapest way to determine how customers feel about your product.

MVP Development Reason-1

  • Experiments With Minimal Impact

With an MVP, you may adjust as you go. As a first benefit, you may easily and gently adopt emerging technology. Second, introducing new features is more work than eliminating features. Said MVP ensures that the core idea of the product can adapt to new developments.


What Are the 5 Most Important Steps in Creating an MVP?

Creating a minimum viable product (MVP) has few differences from developing other software products. There is a consistent pattern, but the pace and results are different. 

mvp steps

  • Write Down Your Problem Statement

Identifying the issue to be fixed is the first step. Put it on paper and use a minimum viable product to see whether it’s doable. If you want to save money and ensure a real demand for your solution, concept validation before development is essential. Even if you’re already an industry expert, you may need to know whether or not the issue you seek to tackle exists.   

  • Perform Market Analysis

After that, market research is necessary. It’s important to study the industry, check out the competition, zero in on your ideal customers, and determine the size of the market. One typical reason new businesses fail is because they run out of money. It would help if you were certain that enough people desire to buy your goods to keep them in production.

  • Possible Solution Prototype

You may wonder, “Why do I need a prototype AND a minimum viable software product?” Prototypes are early attempts to envisage a functioning solution, whereas minimum viable products (MVPs) are stripped-down versions of products that nonetheless achieve the desired results. Prototyping helps you visualize how the final product looks and feels, verifies the user interface and experience, and gathers early feedback that might inform further iterations of the minimum viable product

  • Compile a Specification List

As we’ve already established, you can only create something people want after discovering what they need. Feedback collecting is critical at the minimum viable product (MVP) stage of product development. The feedback from your prospective consumers will help you prioritize the items that will be included in your next version of the minimum viable product (MVP). 

Remember that developing an MVP isn’t the end of the research phase. The movement must be parallel.  

What is the next step after developing a Minimum Viable Product?

The first step following a release is to gather user data and comments for analysis. The feedback from the users will determine the future stages. If the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) suggest that your MVP is underperforming, you must make adjustments and refine your product.

 Seeing the product in action before releasing it to the market and adjusting it to the client’s demands to suit them precisely is exactly why you’ve begun with MVP, so don’t be disheartened by the poor results. 

It’s common practice to go through several iterations of revisions while developing a minimum viable product. If you’ve already released the program without the test product and the time it would take to recreate it, reworking things might assist you in saving the expense of recreating the entire thing. So go in and fine-tune it till it’s perfect. 

What are the MVP examples?

We have laid out the stages for creating a minimum viable product for a business, but what do these products look like? Numerous successful businesses have grown from humble beginnings with a minimum viable product (MVP) to market leaders that we use daily. 

Airbnb’s first landing page didn’t even have a way to make a payment, which may surprise you. Customers have to pay the host directly instead. Despite the obvious severity of the issue, they opted not to provide payment mechanisms during the minimum viable product phase. 

The second digital powerhouse, Facebook, started as a campus-only service. Students might form groups based on their courses and share information amongst themselves. Facebook has become a household name.

When Uber originally launched in San Francisco in 2010, it was exclusively accessible to locals who had iPhones. It wasn’t easy to locate customers ready to pay for an unproven service since they only accepted cashless payments. But time, it proved the concept correct. The fact that even these mammoths had humble beginnings argues in favor of a minimum viable product. 

What is the cost of developing an MVP?

Depending on the nature of the product, the initial investment in building an MVP might be anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000.

The features and complexity of the product will determine how much each stage of MVP development will cost. A Twitter-like app’s minimum viable product development expenses will differ from an Uber-like app’s MVP. The cost of individual features or development phases is more helpful to discuss than an overall budget. This will allow a more precise cost estimate for the product’s unique requirements.

Final words!!

Though impressive at first glance, an MVP is only the beginning of the startup process. It’s a quick and low-cost way to obtain input from actual customers and prove the viability of your project to potential investors. 

If you have a unique app development idea, Glasier Inc can help convert it into a robust MVP. We are a leading custom software development company in India with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. 

We have worked with startups to enterprises for web and mobile app development. Reach out to us today to get an expert consultation or get end-to-end MVP development services.


Through market research, you may gauge how well your concept or product will connect with prospective consumers throughout the MVP software development phase. During this phase, consider your target market, the challenges that require solving, and how your solution may help.

The total price you’ll have to pay depends on the complexity and specifics of your application. Who you choose to help you develop your MVP app is also crucial to its quality and success.

Outsourcing to a business specializing in MVP development may save you time and money while giving you access to a team of professionals with industry contacts and expertise. A qualified project manager can help you save time and ask the right questions to determine your final goal and how to make your ideas a reality.
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