Grocery Delivery App Development Cost Guide

Grocery Delivery App Development Cost Guide

By Ridham ModiJul 18,2023

Grocery Delivery Mobile App Development Cost Guide

Are you planning to build a grocery delivery app? The major concern for every entrepreneur is the grocery delivery app development cost. If you are seeking an answer to this concern, then this blog is for you.

Technology has significantly changed how people spend and live in today’s fast-paced society. It just takes a few taps on our phones to do everything, from calling a cab to placing a food order. As expected, the popularity of on-demand smartphone applications has spread to grocery shopping, providing a revolutionary new option for shoppers.

The convenience and ease of grocery shopping have been greatly improved with the advent of grocery delivery app development. Customers can now order groceries online and deliver them to their homes, freeing them from the hassle of standing in lengthy lines and navigating busy supermarket aisles. This has led to a dramatic increase in the popularity of on-demand grocery delivery applications, saving customers time and effort.

The article examines the pros, cons, and grocery delivery app development costs. The blog will give essential insights to help you navigate the ever-changing world of grocery app development, whether you’re a company owner hoping to improve your customers’ shopping experience or an entrepreneur looking to break into the lucrative grocery delivery sector.


Benefits of Grocery App Development


Those on both ends of the app purchase might reap the rewards from an investment in grocery app development. Listed below are a few of the most persuasive arguments in favor of downloading a grocery delivery app:

  • Customer Convenience: 

Customers may avoid long lines and the hassle of going to the shop using a grocery delivery app. People may shop from a large selection, order, and deliver food to their homes. People with hectic schedules, older people, or mobility issues would appreciate this feature much.

  • Time and Effort savings: 

Customers may save time and energy by eliminating visits to the shop when they use a grocery delivery app. With only a few clicks on their cellphones, they can repurchase frequently bought goods, see their purchase history, and take advantage of the convenience of doorstep delivery.

  • Reaching More Potential Buyers: 

Providing a grocery delivery app is an excellent way for businesses to attract customers beyond their area. With this App, they can reach more people and win over new clients who like the ease of purchasing online. This will boost business.

  • Personalized Shopping Experience: 

Apps that bring groceries to your door may tailor their suggestions to your tastes and habits. Businesses may increase consumer engagement and loyalty by using customer data analysis to provide personalized offers and promotions.

  • Effective Inventory Management: 

Businesses may improve inventory management with the help of a grocery delivery app. Stock levels can be monitored, product availability can be controlled, and the supply chain can be optimized to guarantee on-time delivery. The outcome is increased productivity and less waste.

  • Safe and Contactless Transactions: 

The digital wallets, credit/debit cards, and online banking alternatives offered by grocery delivery applications are safe and easy. As a result, customers may enjoy a cashless and hassle-free shopping experience without ever having to pull out their credit cards.


Business Models of On-demand of Grocery Delivery Apps

There are numerous business models for on-demand grocery delivery apps that may generate money and assure sustainability. Here are three popular business models: 

  • Commission Model: 

In this setup, the grocery delivery app takes a cut of each sale made via its platform from the participating retailers and providers. This fee is often calculated as a fixed percentage of each order’s final price. It enables the App to earn money on the number of transactions completed on the platform. The app owner and the merchants gain from this strategy since it raises the former’s profile and sales.

  • Advertisement Model: 

As part of its ad-supported business model, the grocery delivery app displays advertisements from third-party sellers and manufacturers. Sponsored content and banner advertising are paid insertions that help businesses get their names out there and in front of potential buyers. Advertising fees paid by merchants are the primary source of income in this strategy. For this business model to be successful, the App needs a sizable user base from which to draw advertising.

  • Subscription Model: 

The subscription model entails providing consumers with access to premium, paid services. Users can sign up for a premium membership to access perks, including early access to sales, expedited shipping, and priority support. A recurring source of income for the App is a subscription service, which may be given monthly or yearly. Customers that regularly use the App, like its features, and are prepared to pay for a better experience are ideal candidates for this business model.

The grocery delivery app must consider its target market, user base, and competitors to choose the best business model. Some applications use a mix of models to increase potential income and appeal to a broader range of users.

Significant Features of Grocery Delivery Apps 

When planning an on-demand grocery delivery app, there are three main features to consider: the customer, the shop, and the Driver. Check out the top four panel features of the grocery app to understand how it operates. 

List of features on the Customer side of the App 

Users may access the customer panel to create an account and place grocery orders using the App. The customer dashboard has the following features: 

  • Log In/Register: The customer’s first experience with the App will be the signup/login screen. Many people now employ social media integration to speed things up.
  • Managing Profile: Users may now create or edit their profiles, including billing information, contact information, and more.
  • Product browsing and listing: Customers of an on-demand grocery app should be able to choose from various items.
  • Filtering and Searching: Customers should be able to find what they’re looking for while shopping on your App using this feature.
  • Checkout and Shopping Cart: The ordering procedure would be simplified if the App supported both features.
  • Payment Options: Customers will appreciate the convenience of integrating many different payment methods into their payment gateway.
  • E-Wallet Integration: Allowing clients to use an e-wallet may help speed up checkout.
  • Coupons and other discount vouchers: Your clients should be able to easily see the coupon code and enter it when checking out.
  • Tracking Your Package: One feature that might significantly increase user engagement is real-time order monitoring since buyers would constantly be aware of the whereabouts of their purchases.
  • Choosing a Delivery Time Slot: Given that working-class individuals are the most likely to use the on-demand App to get groceries, it seems sensible to let them choose a delivery window that works best for them.
  • Order history: Customers should be able to see their order history inside the App to help them decide whether or not to place a subsequent order.
  • Ratings and Reviews: App users should be able to share their opinions on a company’s services or a product they’ve purchased.
  • Support & Assistance: If a consumer has a problem, they should be able to contact someone at your company.
  • Push Notifications: Push notifications are now the most efficient method of promoting smartphone apps. As a result, you need a solid push notification approach for your App.

List of features in the Driver’s side of the App 

List of features in the Driver’s side of the App

The Driver’s side or delivery partner panel has tools that will make it easier for the driver or delivery partner to track orders and get them to customers on time.

  • Delivery Requests: The drivers who have partnered with your application should be able to accept or decline a specific trip for whatever reason they see fit.
  • Push Notifications: Push notifications should provide all order delivery information to drivers, both new and canceled, and debit information.
  • Map Integration: Include a map on your Grocery app’s delivery panel so drivers can easily find their way to the customer’s address.
  • Turn-by-turn Navigation: Providing spoken turn-by-turn directions inside the map itself is also highly recommended.
  • Set availability: Drivers should be able to choose their availability to accept orders and make deliveries.
  • Delivery slots: Drivers must know when to pick up and deliver orders. Thus, they must have access to information about the time windows consumers choose.
  • Total Order Weight: The drivers need to know how much the order weighs so that they may choose the appropriate vehicle.
  • Work Experience: Drivers must have access to trip information through their App to evaluate their day’s work objectively.
  • Earning and reports: The program should make finding the invoice and income data easy.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Accountability rests on both sides. Thus, they should also be able to provide feedback and ratings on trips.
  • Assistance and Client Service: Your drivers, like clients, should quickly contact you if they have a problem.

List of features in the Admin side of the App 

List of features in the vendor Panel

The admin side provides a simple interface for managing the whole system from the perspective of the client, delivery partner/Driver, and vendor. Some of the most important features are: 

  • User Administration: The application’s administrator may add or delete users and toggle their active state.
  • Product Management: New goods may be added, old ones removed, and information can be updated as needed.
  • Handling Orders: The application’s orders will need to be closely monitored by administrators.
  • Driver Management: One of the most crucial features of the control panel is the ability to manage drivers. All information about the drivers should be included, including contact information, trip details, etc.
  • Password Recovery: While drivers and customers can change their passwords, the administrator should also have the password database.
  • Modify Existing Elements of Websites and Applications: The admin should be able to easily make any desired modifications to the program, including those to the user database, product catalog, and interface.
  • Payment Management: The App’s administrators need easy access to any payment information made inside the App, including refunds.
  • Social Media, Email, and SMS Campaign Management: Administrators need the tools to attract users to their App using various marketing channels (SMS, email, social media, etc.).
  • Discounts and promotions: The App’s administrators would be granted unrestricted access to manage all pricing and promotions.

List of features in the vendor Panel 

List of features in the vendor Panel

Client orders may be easily managed using a streamlined vendor panel, and shipments can be assigned to delivery agents and managed centrally.

  • Controlling Inventory: The shopkeepers have the option of immediately offering their wares for purchase after updating or adding their pricing, product listings, minimum order quantity, and amount. 
  • Order Processing: The suppliers may now see their order’s current status and the total cash collected with each order.
  • Manage Coupon Codes: To increase sales and keep existing customers happy, merchants might create and promote novel discounts, coupons, and special offers. 
  • Payment Monitoring: The business owners may enter their banking information and check on the status of any pending or completed financial transactions.
  • Order Notifications: Merchants and suppliers may get immediate alerts about new orders or status changes and respond accordingly with the help of push notifications. 
  • Receive orders: With this function, suppliers may accept consumer orders for various food products before proceeding with order processing. 
  • Cancel Orders: If the seller does not have the goods in stock or cannot ship them to the specified address, the order will be automatically canceled. 

Top 5 Grocery Delivery Apps


In 2023, several major grocery delivery applications emerged. Listed below are five of the best apps that will provide you an insight into grocery app development services:

  • Instacart: 

Instacart is the most well-known and commonly used grocery delivery app in the United States. It serves a large number of cities and provides fresh food delivery the very next day. Different price tiers and door-to-door service are available to customers. Orders placed via Instacart may be picked up at no extra cost from several convenient retail locations.

  • Dunzo: 

Dunzo is an app that promises to get goods at your door in 45 minutes or less. Dunzo is more than just a place to acquire your weekly produce supply. It’s a convenient way to have groceries delivered quickly.

  • New Amazon:

The online retail behemoth Amazon has entered the Indian online grocery sector by introducing Amazon Now. Amazon Now, an app for Android devices, lets users order groceries online and have them delivered to their homes. The availability of same-day delivery via the App has helped Amazon increase its food business nationwide.

  • FreshDirect: 

When it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, cheeses, and meats, FreshDirect is the App to beat. The company cares deeply about the quality and freshness of its goods. Therefore, it gives its consumers a wealth of information about them, such as star ratings and country of origin. You can trust FreshDirect to deliver your groceries on time and in excellent condition.

  • Peapod: 

Ahold Delhaize owns the online grocery delivery service Peapod. It runs in its warehouses, so you know your food will arrive quickly and in good condition. Peapod also collaborates with retailers like Stop & Shop to provide grocery store pickup. The software provides clients with quick shopping at affordable prices.


Grocery App Development Cost and factors impacting the Cost


Several factors might affect the Grocery app development cost. While it would only be possible to offer an exact price by first studying your needs, you may know what to anticipate if you are familiar with the aspects that affect it. 

Creating an app for grocery delivery may cost anywhere from $40,000 to $50,000 on average. This estimate covers the client app, admin panel, delivery agent app, and vendor management app. 

Grocery app development costs depend on these factors:

  • Team Size : 

The budget for a project may change depending on how extensive and diverse the development team has to be. Developer teams often include programmers, designers, quality assurance testers, and project managers. The team’s degree of knowledge and experience also affects the Cost. A more expensive price may be required to hire a staff with extensive expertise.

  • Features and functions:

The total Cost of creating your grocery app will vary depending on its complexity and the number of features and functions you want. The fundamental elements are the ability to register users, display products, provide a shopping cart, and accept payments. However, the development price will rise if extras like real-time order monitoring, customized suggestions, loyalty programs, and push alerts are included.

  • Choice of platform: 

The Cost of developing an app may vary depending on whether it is designed for a single platform (Android or iOS) or many platforms. Because the software must be re-created for each forum, developing them takes more time and resources. Costs may be minimized with the use of cross-platform development frameworks like React Native or Flutter, which allow the creation of Android and iOS apps at the same time.

  • App design and the user experience:

Putting effort into making your App look excellent and easy to use pays off in happier users and more positive reviews. The development cost may rise or fall depending on the difficulty posed by the design’s UX/UX components, visuals, and animations. If you change the design to fit your brand’s aesthetic, there may be a price difference.

  • Backend Programming:

Backend infrastructure development, such as database administration, APIs, and server configuration, may increase the price of a program. The Cost of action will be affected by the backend infrastructure’s complexity and scalability needs.

  • Third-Party Integration:

Payment gateways, SMS gateways, and location tracking map services are all examples of third-party integrations that might increase the overall development cost. The difficulty of integrating these services and any license or subscription costs involved might affect the final price tag.

  • Testing and ensuring quality:

A well-tested, high-quality software is essential for users’ peace of mind. Functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and compatibility testing across various devices and operating systems may all contribute to the total Cost of testing.

  • App maintenance:

After the program has been released, it will need regular updates, bug fixes, and support from the developers to keep users happy. A budget line item for maintenance and support is essential to keep the App functioning and up to current with user needs.

An exact cost estimate based on your requirements can only be obtained by working with a professional grocery app development company. They can provide you with a comprehensive analysis of the charges and advise you on how to use your resources best to get the most out of the system.

How to Choose a Team to Develop a Grocery delivery application like Instacart?


How to choose a Team

Building an application like Instacart requires a professional development team. Being a leading grocery app development company, we have a vast pool of grocery delivery app developers. Here are the factors to consider while choosing a team of grocery app developers-

  • Experience: Look for the previous work and the projects handled if they have ever built a similar grocery delivery app. 
  • Technical Expertise: Check the knowledge of the domain and the technical expertise. Look for their experience working with the tech stack and understanding of the latest technologies. 
  • Interpersonal Skills: Besides technical skills, interpersonal skills play a major role. The developers should have good communication skills to collaborate with team members and clients well. In addition, they should have enough experience to handle complex challenges in the project development process.

How Will the Type of Team Affect the Development Cost?

Hiring a development team for your grocery delivery apps is a choice that directly affects the application quality and cost. Let us look at the various hiring types and how the team type affects the cost. 

The choice of team type depends on your project requirements and budget. Freelancing is an option suitable when you are on a meager budget, and the application is fundamental with little complexity.An in-house team and local agency are ideal when you have a big project or a line of projects to develop. Hiring an in-house team is expensive, but you get complete control over the team and assurance of application quality.Outsourcing a development team is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to hire professional developers at a low budget. Offshore developers generally hold extensive experience working for various clients from different countries across the globe. They bring their expertise to the project and offer complete assurance of its quality and timely completion.

Type of TeamHourly RateCost of an MVPIn-house$80$100,000Local Agency$175$225,000Freelancers$20$25,000Outsourcing agency$40$50,000

How Will the Location of the Development Team Affect the Cost?

The location of the development also has a direct impact on the overall cost. The hourly developer rates vary in each country drastically. Let us look at the hourly costs of some prominent countries- 

Hiring grocery delivery app developers from India is an ideal option for business owners on a limited budget. They can get access to talented resources under their budget. 


Team locationRate per hourCost of an MVPCost of an appThe USA$150$150,000$200,000Europe$90$90,000$130,000The UK$100$100,000$150,000Ukraine$40$50,000$80,000India$25$30,000$45,000

Final Thoughts!!

The ease and efficiency of on-demand grocery delivery apps have completely changed how consumers buy groceries. The rising popularity of online grocery shopping presents an opportunity for companies who invest in a well-designed, feature-rich app. For optimal success, seeking advice from a professional on-demand app development company is recommended. 

Glasier Inc is a leading grocery delivery app development company working for several clients globally and helping them take their businesses online. 

You can reach out to us for grocery app development services. Drop us a line for a free consultation or a quote.


Developing a grocery delivery app might take three months to a year, depending on the number of features and the project scope. You can connect with your grocery app development company to know the exact timeline.

The software may be modified to fit your company’s unique branding, functionality, and style needs.

Your App might generate income via vendor commissions, advertising deals, subscription programs, or shipping and handling fees.

The answer is yes; the App supports payments via different channels. This gives customers more freedom and ease when making purchases.

To maximize the App’s potential audience and user base, it might be designed to function on Android and iOS.
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