Flutter VS React Native- Which is the Best Cross-Platform Framework to Choose in 2023?

Flutter VS React Native- Which is the Best Cross-Platform Framework to Choose in 2023?

By Ridham ModiJun 28,2023


More businesses are investing in mobile app development. Cross-platform applications enable them to establish their presence on multiple platforms at the cost of a single application.

When developing a cross-platform application, we can think of two popular frameworks: Flutter and React Native. Entrepreneurs struggle with this constant debate of Flutter vs. React Native. Which framework is ideal for cross-platform development? 

Let us find out in the blog.

What is Cross-Platform App Development?

Developers can save time, effort, and money when there is no need to build specific applications for each platform. By utilizing cross-platform development frameworks, developers can create code once and distribute it across various platforms, which can help them expand their audience and deliver a consistent user experience.

Read More :

Flutter App Development Cost Estimation – [updated 2023]

How Does Cross-Platform App Development Work?

By utilizing frameworks that offer a layer of abstraction, cross-platform app development enables programmers to write code in a single language and compile it into platform-specific binaries. Using these frameworks’ APIs, developers can construct apps with functionality and features similar to native devices.

A brief explanation of cross-platform app development

Choosing a Framework: A cross-platform development framework is determined by developers based on their needs and preferences. The right choice of framework is the key to building a successful application. The popular frameworks include Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, and Ionic. 

Writing Code: Developers can write code in a single programming language, such as JavaScript, Dart, or C#, using the chosen framework. The application’s logic, user interface, and functionality are all built on this code.

Abstraction Layer: Cross-platform framework serves as an abstraction layer by offering APIs that provide developers access to the native features and functionalities of the target platforms. By handling platform-specific tasks, these APIs guarantee a consistent user expert audience across all devices.

Compilation: The framework’s tools and compilers translate the code into platform-specific binaries, such as APK files for Android or IPA files for iOS. The resources and instructions needed for the program to function on the individual platforms are contained in these binaries.

Testing and deployment: To ensure the app’s usability, performance, and cross-platform compatibility, developers can test it on emulators, simulators, or hardware. Once all requirements have been met, the built binaries are released to the relevant app stores or other distribution points for customers to download and install.


Advantages of Cross-Platform App Development

Creating cross-platform apps has a lot of benefits, including the following:

Cost-Effectiveness: By avoiding the need for special teams and resources devoted to each platform, cross-platform development allows organizations to reduce development expenses. A single development team can handle multiple platforms efficiently.

Faster Time to Market: Cross-platform development enables a shorter time to market by streamlining the development process. Businesses can swiftly reach their target audience, giving them an advantage over competitors in the industry.

Consistent User Experience: Cross-platform apps provide a consistent user experience across different platforms. Users can expect the same functionalities, interactions, and design principles regardless of their device.

Wider Audience Reach: Businesses can reach a wider audience by targeting multiple platforms, maximizing their app’s potential user base and market reach.


What is Flutter?

Launched in 2018, Flutter is Google’s open-source mobile app development framework. Developers use Flutter to build applications for multiple platforms with a single codebase. Flutter supports platforms like iOS, Android, the web, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Using a single codebase, developers can create stunning, high-performing mobile, web, and desktop applications with the help of the open-source framework Flutter. 

With Flutter, you can craft visually stunning user interfaces native to each platform without compromising performance or user experience. Flutter installation needs System Requirements, Downloading Flutter SDK, Adding Flutter to System Path, and verifying and Configuring an IDE.

Some Flutter app examples include the Flutter Gallery, Flutter Weather, Flutter E-commerce, and Flutter Chat.


Why Choose Flutter?


  1. Flutter’s Architecture

Flutter’s outstanding performance is primarily a result of its unique design. Flutter adopts a different strategy from conventional frameworks that rely on a link between the app and the platform. It uses the Skia rendering engine, which directly renders the app’s user interface on the device’s canvas. This eliminates the performance overhead associated with the bridge and ensures that Flutter apps perform at native-like speeds.

  1. Dart

Flutter’s performance prowess is further supported by its programming language, Dart. Dart is a statically-typed language that compiles to native code, allowing Flutter apps to bypass the interpretation step often found in other frameworks. This compilation process ensures Flutter apps run directly on the device’s hardware, resulting in superior performance and responsiveness.

  1. Hot Reload

Flutter’s ability to Hot Reload is one of its most striking features. This developer-friendly tool enables you to make code modifications and see how they impact the application immediately without restarting it. 

Hot Reload speed and effectiveness improve the development process and let programmers make last-minute adjustments to performance optimizations, creating highly effective and optimized products.

  1. Widgets

The Flutter app’s user interface (UI) is created utilizing a vast selection of widgets, which are portable building elements. These widgets’ outstanding performance and adaptability allow developers to make aesthetically pleasing user interfaces without slowing down. Additionally, Flutter’s declarative programming model ensures that only the necessary widgets are rebuilt when the app’s state changes, minimizing unnecessary computations and maximizing performance.

  1. Platform Integration

While Flutter’s strength lies in its cross-platform capabilities, it doesn’t shy away from leveraging the power of native performance. Flutter provides rich platform integration APIs allowing developers to access device-specific features and services. By seamlessly integrating with native code, Flutter apps can tap into the full potential of the underlying platform, delivering top-notch performance and ensuring a native-like experience for users.

These flutter performance optimization strategies ensure they provide an intuitive and responsive user experience. It’s essential to evaluate and analyze your app’s performance to pinpoint areas that could use improvement. Performance optimization is an ongoing process.


What is React Native?

Developers can use JavaScript and React to create native mobile applications using Facebook’s open-source React Native framework. It blends the strength and effectiveness of native apps with the ease and flexibility of online development, giving users the best of both worlds. You can build beautiful, top-notch mobile applications with React Native that operate on iOS and Android devices without a hitch.


Why Choose React Native?

why to choose react native

Code Once, Deploy Everywhere

You may develop your application logic in JavaScript and reuse it across several platforms using React Native. By doing away with the need to create different codebases for iOS and Android, our “learn once, write anywhere” strategy saves your time and effort. You can build your app’s core functionality once and deploy it on both platforms, reaching a broader audience with minimal extra work.

Native-like Performance and Look-and-Feel

React Native bridges the gap between web and native development by rendering components using native UI building blocks. This means that your app will not only perform like a native application but also look and feel native to the platform it’s running on. Users will enjoy a seamless and immersive experience as if using a purely native app.

Huge Ecosystem and Community Support

Being backed by Facebook, React Native benefits from a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and community support. You’ll find many pre-built components, third-party packages, and helpful resources to accelerate your development process. The active and vibrant community ensures you’ll always have more assistance and inspiration.

Rapid Development with Hot Reloading

React Native’s hot reloading feature is a true productivity booster. It lets you rapidly see the effects of code changes in your app without recompiling or restarting it. You can quickly explore, iterate, and fine-tune your app’s Flutter UI development and functionality. 


Advantages and disadvantages of Flutter and React Native Apps

These frameworks allow developers to build stunning, high-performance applications using a single codebase for multiple platforms. 

Advantages of Flutter

  1. Beautiful and Consistent UIs

Flutter excels in providing a delightful user interface (UI) experience. With its extensive widget catalog and customizable design options, you can create visually stunning and consistent UIs across different platforms. Flutter’s “write once, run anywhere” approach ensures that your app will look and feel native on both Android and iOS devices.

  1. Fast Development with Hot Reload

One of Flutter’s standout features is its hot reload functionality. It allows developers to see instant changes made to the code without restarting the app. This feature significantly speeds up the development process, allowing for rapid iteration and real-time experimentation.

  1. High Performance

Flutter apps are compiled into native code, providing excellent performance and near-native speed. By leveraging the Skia rendering engine, Flutter delivers smooth animations and fluid user interactions. The framework’s optimized architecture ensures your app feels responsive and performs efficiently, even on less powerful devices.

  1. Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms

With the help of Flutter, programmers can create apps for Android, iOS, the web, and even desktop operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux using a single codebase. Avoiding creating different codebases for each platform saves time and effort. 

Advantages of React Native

  1. Widespread Adoption and Community Support

React Native has gained significant popularity, resulting in a large and active community of developers. This expansive community contributes to a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. The availability of ready-to-use components and extensive documentation makes development with React Native more accessible and accelerates the development process.

  1. Native-Like Performance

While React Native utilizes JavaScript, it compiles down to native code, resulting in apps that deliver near-native performance. React Native leverages platform-specific components, allowing the app to look and feel native to each platform. With careful optimization, React Native apps can match the performance of purely native apps.

  1. Code Reusability

React Native’s core principle is code reusability. You may create apps that work on Android and iOS platforms using a single codebase. 

This reduces development time and costs, as you don’t have to maintain separate codebases for each forum. Code reusability also simplifies updates and bug fixes, as changes are reflected across platforms simultaneously.

4.Code Reusability

React Native provides a bridge allowing developers to integrate native code into their applications. This feature is handy when you need to access device-specific functionalities or use third-party libraries that don’t have React Native alternatives. The bridge ensures a smooth transition from native development to React Native, allowing for more flexibility and extensibility.

Disadvantages of Flutter

  1. Limited Libraries and Third-Party Integrations

Flutter, a relatively newer framework, has a more miniature ecosystem than established frameworks like React Native. This means some libraries and third-party integrations might be limited or less mature. However, the Flutter community is rapidly growing, and more libraries are being developed to address this issue.

  1. Larger App Size

Since Flutter apps include the entire Flutter engine, the app size can be more significant than other frameworks. This can be a concern, especially for apps that must be downloaded frequently or have limited storage space on the user’s device. However, ongoing optimizations and advancements in Flutter are working towards reducing app size without compromising performance.

Disadvantages of React Native

  1. Performance Bottlenecks

While React Native offers excellent performance for most use cases, specific complex animations or computationally intensive tasks may face performance bottlenecks. In such scenarios, it might be necessary to write platform-specific code or use native modules to achieve the desired performance.

  1. Platform-Specific Limitations

React Native aims to provide a unified development experience across platforms. However, due to platform-specific differences, there may be limitations or inconsistencies in accessing certain native functionalities or UI components. Workarounds or custom native code may be required to address these platform-specific challenges.


FeaturesFlutterReact NativeLanguageDartJavaScriptUI ComponentsWidget-based architecture with a rich set of customizable widgetsComponent-based architecture utilizing React componentsDevelopment ExperienceHot Reload for instant code changes and experimentationLive Reload for real-time UI updatesPerformanceCompiles Dart code to native machine code, delivering fast and smooth flutter performanceUtilizes a virtual DOM for efficient UI updatesNative AccessAccess to native APIs through platform channelsDirect access to native APIs using native modulesCommunity SupportRapidly growing community backed by GoogleLarge and active community supported by FacebookEcosystemDeveloping ecosystem with a growing number of packages and librariesAn extensive network with a variety of already-existing resources and librariesLearning CurveRequires learning the Dart programming languageFamiliarity with JavaScript and React is advantageousPopularityGaining popularity with a strong developer communityEstablished framework with a significant market presence


Both Flutter and React Native have distinct advantages when comparing the main characteristics, performance, community support, and environment. 

The choice of framework depends on the specific needs of a business. Business owners can connect with a leading cross-platform app development company to seek professional advice on choosing between React native vs Flutter. Glasier Inc as the leading mobile app development company can provide you with the right resources. 

Hire Flutter app developers with us If Flutter is the ideal choice for your mobile app development project. You can seek expert advice from our cross-platform engineers or consultants to make a well-informed choice. Get in touch now to book a free consultation.


Flutter and React Native have strengths and weaknesses, making it difficult to determine a clear winner. Your project’s ideal framework will depend on various elements, including performance requirements, developer experience, target platforms, and community support. To choose the best framework, evaluate your project’s needs and consider the trade-offs between the options.

Yes, web development can employ both Flutter and React Native. Create web applications with Flutter Web by using the same codebase as your mobile app. Contrarily, React Native may be applied to web development through frameworks like React Native Web.

Both Flutter and React Native have gained significant popularity in the cross-platform app development space. Flutter’s cross-platform popularity is multiplying due to its performance and the backing of Google. With the help of Facebook, React Native has a large and active following and a significant market presence. Ultimately, popularity can vary depending on specific regions and industry domains.

Yes, both Flutter and React Native offer the possibility of integrating into existing native apps. Flutter provides Flutter for Android and iOS, allowing you to introduce Flutter components into your existing native apps gradually. React Native also supports native module integration, enabling you to leverage React Native features alongside your native codebase.
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